About the Association for Vertical Farming
The Association for Vertical Farming (AVF) is the leading global, non-profit organisation that enables international exchange and cooperation in order to accelerate the development of the indoor/vertical farming industry.
Board of the Association
Advisory Board

Maximilian Loessl
Co-FounderAVF Staff

Susanna Loessl
Assistant of the Board & Project Manager
Shoeb Ahmed Shaikh
Isabelle van Doorn
Content and Media Manager SIFStatutes
#1 – Name and Location
The Non-Profit Association is called Association for Vertical Farming e.V. and is registered at the Register of Associations in Germany and from then on be known as Association for Vertical Farming e.V.. The Association exclusively and directly pursues beneficent (charitable) and/or not for profit purposes in terms of the chapter tax-advantages purposes of German fiscal code.
- The registered office is in Munich, Germany
- The fiscal year is the calendar year
The purposes of the Association are the advancement of science and research, the encouragement of education in the fields of environmental protection, as well as charitable purposes. In particular, the Association for Vertical Farming, fulfils the mission of its articles through:
- Own research projects and studies in the fields of Vertical Farming, as well as publishing these results.
- Training, workshops and educational measures for the demonstration and use of Vertical Farming as an environmentally friendly method of agriculture and the preservation of existing habitats and protection of water resources.
- – Financial support of research projects other institutions or persons in this field.
- Free of charge supply of Vertical Farming Systems to persons according to § 53 AO. (Dependent on assistance due to their physical, mental, emotional or financial condition.)
The Association acts altruistically; it does not primarily aim at its own economic interests.
Resources of the Association can only be used for statutory purposes. The members of the Association do not obtain any benefits from the funds of the Association.
No person may benefit from expenditures that are not related to the purpose of the Association or through inappropriately high payments.
#5 – Membership
(1) All institutions or natural persons who are 18 years of age or older can become members of the Association. This can be achieved through a written application, which has to be addressed to the Board of Directors.
(2) The membership is granted and becomes effective upon written notice of acceptance by the Board of Directors and through the receipt of the membership fee.
(3) The general meeting is able to appoint Honorary Members for life on recommendation of the Board of Directors
#6 – End of Membership
The Membership ends by death, through written notice of resignation or exclusion. Resignation from the Association is made in writing to the Board of Directors and takes effect at the end of the period covered by the membership fee. The exclusion from the Association is decided by the general meeting with a majority of three quarters of the present members.
#7 – Membership Fees
(1) Members of the Association have to pay an annual membership fee. The amount of the annual membership fees is decided upon in the general meeting. If necessary, the Board of Directors may, upon resolution of the majority, convene an exemption of individual membership fees partially or totally; Honorary Members are exempt of all membership fees for life. (2) The membership fee is to be paid annually in advance.
#8 – Rights and Obligations of Members
(1) Every member has the right to be actively involved in achieving the mission of the Association and the right to participate in events and activities. Each member has equal voting rights in the annual general meeting.
(2) Every member has the obligation to foster the interests of the Association, especially to pay regular membership fees and to support the activities of the Association according to the best of his/her ability.
(3) Within the framework of the Association’s statutes and goals every member is allowed to use its equipment and get unceasing advice and support by the Board of Directors.
(4) Each member can form a project group after confirmation through the Board of Directors.
#9 – Bodies of the Association
The bodies of the Association are the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Board of Directors (BoD) and the Advisory Board (AB).
#10 – The Board of Directors
The BoD of the Association consists of the Chairman of the Board and two Vice-Chairs. The Association shall be represented judicially and otherwise by the Chairman of the Board or by a Vice-Chair of the Board, each acting individually. The BoD can appoint full-time staff.
#11 – Terms of Mandate and Decision of Amendments by the Board of Directors
(1) The BoD will be elected by the Annual General Meeting for a duration of two years, starting at the day of the election. The BoD will stay in power after its term, until an election has taken place to elect a new BoD.
(2) The BoD will make decisions in its meetings, which have to be scheduled in written form, by phone or by email.
#12 – Annual General Meeting of Members
(1) At least once a year there will be an Annual General Meeting. This body decides about membership fees, discharge of the BoD, new election of BoD and other important topics. An extraordinary general meeting can be called with the vote of 1/3 of the members.
(2) The convocation of the General Meeting shall be executed by the BoD with a notice period of at least two weeks in a written form with the announcement of the agenda. The agenda can be changed or supplemented by the decision of the majority of the general meeting; this does not include changes to statutes.
(3) The general meeting comes to decision by a simple majority of present members. Abstentions from voting and invalid votes are not taken into consideration.
#13 – The Advisory Board
The Advisory Board shall advise and support the association in all professional matters. Members of the Advisory Board are appointed by the BoD.
#14 – Certification of the Resolutions of the Association
Resolutions by the BoD and the general meetings shall be written in a protocol signed by the chairperson, or vice chair or any other appointed recorder of the minutes.
#15 – Dissolution of the Association
Upon the cessation of its tax-exempt objectives, the funds of the Association shall be devolved upon the Myanmar Kinderhilfe e.V. Fürstenbergerstr.171, 60322 Frankfurt a.M., they will directly and exclusively be used for charitable purposes.
Munich, 23rd of June 2013