Tagged as: Veganz Group AG

OrbiLoop®/OrbiPlant® – Hybrid lighting system and cultivation of large, protein-rich food crops

OrbiLoop®/OrbiPlant® – Hybrid lighting system and cultivation of large, protein-rich food crops  This is the second of two blog posts with our AVF member Fraunhofer IME – you can read the first blog post «Addressing Vertical Farming Pain Points» and an introduction to the novel and innovative vertical farming platform

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Fraunhofer IME – Addressing Vertical Farming Pain Points

AVF recently caught up with Andreas Reimann, the senior patent and licensing manager of our AVF member Fraunhofer IME, to hear about the latest vertical farming news from the Institute’s New Agricultural Systems department. Who is Fraunhofer IME? The Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME in Aachen,

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