Archive for October, 2023

Cities best practices and challenges in urban agriculture implementation

📣 In a recent panel discussion moderated by Balance Phala from ICLEI, experts Jia Ni from FAO, Eva Keretic from the future food campus Hamburg, Millán Berzosa from ISIFARMER and Peter Wogenstein from food council niedersachsen shed light on the critical role of sustainable food systems and urban agriculture. Here’s

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The Elephant in the Grow Room: Unveiling the Realities of Vertical Farming

Critics often emerge as passionate individuals driven by a genuine desire to see improvements in their field. One such individual, Thomas Williams, brings us a thought-provoking presentation entitled ‘The Elephant in the Growroom.’ While criticism can be irksome, Williams’ critical perspective stems from his passion for vertical farming and a

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Welcome to the AVF, Elevated Signals!

Elevated Signals is a global manufacturing execution system software created by a team and culture that accelerates sustainability, scalability, and customer success in the vertical farming industry. It is the next generation of manufacturing software for complex, sustainable, vertical farming facilities. Our platform digitally transforms factory inventory tracking, captures rich

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Introducing VertiYard UG

The future of food production, as well as the natural medicinal and cosmetic industries, lies in harnessing the power of technology. VertiYard is pioneering the future of agriculture through innovation and sustainability. They believe that the future of food production and the natural medicinal and cosmetic industries lies in harnessing

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