Announcing the International VF Tech & Training Center (iVTTC) in UAE/Dubai

Introducing Association for Vertical Farming e.V. Project in UAE/Dubai. Establishment of an AVF-Led International Hub for Vertical Farming Tech and Training Center in UAE/Dubai


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) largely depends on food imports since open-field agricultural production is not feasible due to climatic conditions. Finding solutions for higher self-sufficiency rates in food supply is becoming increasingly important. For this reason, the UAE has initiated the Food Tech Valley to showcase future food solutions not only in the region but also beyond.

The Association for Vertical Farming (AVF) has been working on plans to open a vertical farming and tech training center in UAE/Dubai. We are happy to announce that we have now been offered a warehouse near the city center by the Bin Dasmal Group to establish a world-leading tech-based training and demonstration center. Our project can significantly contribute to reshaping how the UAE/Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) produces and consumes food. This initiative aims to increase and innovate local food production. Globally, we observe a lack of well-trained staff in vertical farming as well as a lack of knowledge about which technology suits specific purposes and its availability.

International VF Tech & Training Center (iVTTC)

Who we are

The AVF is the leading global nonprofit network based in Munich, Germany, for the past 11 years. The AVF raises awareness and increases understanding and knowledge of vertical farming and its technologies. We foster cooperation and collaboration in the industry and science on a local and international level.


  1. We plan to establish an international Training and Tech Demo Center with the support of Bin Dasmal Group to spread the understanding, handling, and success of indoor/vertical farming in the GCC region and beyond. With our physical presence in the region, we will have better access to projects, partners, and funding.
  2. Training of staff is a key to success in this industry. Equally important is understanding the different technologies available on the market. An exhibition and demo center is a crucial step to help vertical farming become a broadly used technology to enhance food safety and security. In times of climate crisis and conflicts, we need to ensure local food production, which the UAE government has already implemented in its policies.
  3. We also see a necessity to create more transparency within and for the industry, fostering sustainability. The establishment of the SIF Sustainable Indoor Farming Certification by AVF is an important step and will be further developed and represented in the center as well.

The iVTTC will offer certain services to generate an income covering expenses to run the center.

We have planned Four Pillars of Activities:

Training & Education

Certification & Standardization

Research for Innovation


What are the other benefits for AVF Members…

  1. We have a Demo and Showcase Area for members.
  2. We intend to have an AVF team permanently on the ground and organize, besides the above activities, roundtables and meetings with members interested in settling or being represented in the UAE.
  3. We will also offer our members an outstanding marketing opportunity to increase their and our visibility in our center. Please contact Christine directly if you are interested.
  4. AVF members can use our office for meetings at a low-cost expense.

Now that your interest has been piqued, we hope to gain your support for the international Vertical Farming Tech & Training Center (iVTTC)!

Please contact Christine directly if you are interested in participating in the iVTTC project.