VertiFarm & AVF Summit 2024: Science & Industry

At VertiFarm and the AVF Summit we are all about bringing you updates and scientific deep dives that you won’t find at other conferences.  On Tuesday 8th October the afternoon Pillar is on Science & Industry. 

Plant science lies at the heart of Vertical Farming, emphasizing the need for technology to complement biology, not dominate it. This pillar will present the latest scientific insights and discuss how technological advancements align—or don’t—with biological needs.

  • Keynote: A wake-up call for Vertical Farming by Prof. Leo Marcelis from Wageningen University. 
  • Focus Areas:
    • Explore the latest scientific breakthroughs and their implications for vertical farming technology.
    • Panel discussions on the critical role of plant science in shaping the future of vertical farming.
    • Building synergies between research and industry for improved outcomes.

The Keynote will be followed by Marc Juarez, Innovation Director Europe, Seoul Semiconductor Europe, who will be talking about UVB-Light in Vertical Farming. The first half of the Pillar session will round off with a panel on,The Plant is the Heart of Vertical Farming, where our esteemed panel of  Prof. Silvana Nicola (University of Turin), Leo Marcelis (Wageningen University), Isabelle van Doorn (greenhub solutions GmbH), and Moderator David Katz bring to life the vitality and living system that is at the heart of vertical farming – the plant.

After the break Dr.-Ing. Felix Krujatz, Research Area Lead, Controlled Environment Agriculture, TU Chemnitz will talk about, Closing the loop: Process intensification in Controlled Environment Agriculture – an engineers´ perspective. Galen Zhou, Global Sales Director, Fujian Sananbio Technology Co. Ltd will present on, How Science Impacts Technology and Alexander Jaworski, Co-Founder & General Manager, greenhub solutions GmbH presents on, The GreenResearcher – Training with R&D- backed data & validating AI models for a future-proof vertical farming sector.

During the afternoon Jackie Thoms and Rainer von Leoprechting, co-Founders of Fraendi will host a Pro-Action Cafe to help bring conference attendees together to exchange and consult with each other around their most important questions/topics and find potential partners for further collaboration.

About the AVF Summit: The AVF Summit is a premier event dedicated to advancing the future of Vertical Farming. Learn more about the AVF Summit here.

Buy your tickets here! And we look forward to you joining the conversation with us in Dortmund, 8-10 October, 2024!