On 29th January 2021, AVF members convened at the Annual General Meeting to review 2020 and plans for the year ahead. The day also consisted of roundtable talks and presentations from members about their innovations and businesses in the form of two public webinars.
You can access the webinars for free here!
AVF Roundtable: Vertical Farming Startups' Challenges, Solutions & Opportunities in the Time of COVID-19
Mark E. Zahran, YASAI
Dominik Feiden, Organifarms
Ralph Becker, Urban Greens
Christine Zimmermann-Loessl

Dominik Feiden is the Co-founder and CEO of Organifarms. He is studying Sociology, Politics, and Economics at the Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen. With his motivation of contributing to a sustainable future, he started developing solutions for sustainable agriculture. As Vertical Farming provides many solutions for the problems agricultural practices are facing due to the excessive use of resources, climate change, and population growth, he asked himself: what is holding it back? Vertical farming holds high potentials but also needs to be profitable to sustain itself in the current food system. Organifarms is therefore developing automation technology for vertical farming, to make it more profitable and scalable. Together we want to shape the agricultural future of our planet

AVF Focus on Leading Vertical Farming Innovations
Luis Trujillo, Hoogendoorn
Michael Meierhöfer, IFCO
Tom Debusschere, Urban Crop Solutions
Marc Juarez, Seoul Semiconductor
Kirill Zelenski, iFarm
Emil Breza, AgricUltra
Rebecca Nordin, Heliospectra
Kerem Bozkurt, Farminova
Bhaskar Rao & Hatim Morbiwala, VeggiTech
Francis Njuakom, CDVTA
Dr. Joel Cuello
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