Is there a future for shipping container farms?

Is there a future for shipping container farms?

At first sight, farming in a used shipping container in a megacity parking lot might not look like a sustainable source of food. However many believe that there is a huge potential in this field of vertical farming and there are many startups introducing new designs for container farms, most

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almeria's plastic greenhouses

Reimagining Almeria’s Plastic Sea of Greenhouses

An industry in the spotlight It is easy to condemn the plastic sea of greenhouses in Almería, Spain as an environmental nightmare. The pressures are clear to see: a region that has around 30,000 hectares of land under cultivation (the majority of which is under plastic), is also the most

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A Conversation w/ Joel Cuello @ AVF Press

Last week we brought Joel L. Cuello, Ph.D. Professor of Biosystems Engineering at the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering in The University of Arizona to briefly talk about his most recent work in the Vertical Farming industry. Dr. Joel Cuello is a globally recognized expert in the engineering of sustainable biological

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Notes From The Skyberries Conference

Skyberries: The three-day conference could be best characterized by broad-scope talks, specific topics and different views on how we could upgrade our global food systems. Highly influential speakers talked in this forum and the Q&A sessions turned into elaborative discussions about ideas. The second day of the conference ended with

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Letter From The Chairwoman of The AVF (2018)

A Letter from AVF Chairwoman Christine Zimmermann-Loessl   Dear AVF Members, The Association for Vertical Farming is evolving from an emerging movement into an industry organization ready for the next steps. To quote Alibaba founder and philanthropist Jack Ma, “The next generation of globalization should be inclusive and create opportunities

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Global G.A.P Summit 2018

Taking place every two years, the conference is the perfect setting to discuss the latest developments in food safety and sustainability as well as Good Agriculture and Aquaculture Practices and the future of the industry. Creating new markets for responsibly grown food is vital to building a sustainable future in agriculture, that

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Long Way Down : Africa Under the Spotlight

I walked out to the arrivals hall, passing maybe a dozen taxi drivers. I was clearly told not to use their service. “Take Uber instead” a friend once told me. I rushed out to the exit, no longer than 2 minutes passed before the driver I ordered pulled his car

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Farmers Cut: The Leader in Dryponic Growing

  November 2, 2017 Author: Jason Moon Broadcast Manager at the Association for Vertical Farming   OCTOBER 2017, Farmers Cut, a German based indoor farming startup, recently joined as a member of the Association for Vertical Farming. AVF’s newest member also brings the newest technology to the ‘ponics’ family, coined Dryponics,

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1st Joint AgroSpace MELiSSA Workshop

Dear Members and followers, We are pleased to announce the 1st Joint AgroSpace-MELiSSA Workshop which will be held  on May 16, 17, 18, 2018, in Rome, organized by the AgroSpace and MELiSSA communities. Location: Headquarter of the Italian Research Council, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 – Roma Call for abstract and registration  are included  in the

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