Revolutionary technology meets innovative plant breeding: SMARTtray GmbH and ONO Exponential Farming Srl collaborate to build the future of plant breeding.

Salzkotten (Germany), 4th May 2023

SMARTtray GmbH, a plant breeding technology company, and ONO Exponential Farming Srl, a leading provider of vertical farming, are proud to announce a new partnership to revolutionize plant breeding. Both companies have unique, patented technologies that complement each other, creating a novel solution in the field of SMART breeding. 

ONO EX’s cutting-edge vertical farming system utilizes climate cells with multiple stacked cultivation positions, allowing for efficient plant breeding with short cycles and increased recombination opportunities. Meanwhile, SMARTtray® technology streamlines the plant breeding process by eliminating bottlenecks due to an increasing number of plants to be sampled and analyzed. This is achieved by sampling plant roots automatically and non-destructively, without damaging the plant, and automating the process of DNA extraction for molecular examination.

This partnership will help to revolutionize plant breeding by offering modern plant breeding companies, institutes, and educational institutions access to a comprehensive, automated solution for vertical farming. The ONOEX farm generates vast genetic variation through high young plant density, which is ideal for SMART breeding methods, allowing for a more efficient and effective selection of desired traits, such as high yield or disease resistance. The SMARTtray GmbH workflow, incorporating DNA marker technology and advanced reproduction techniques, enables the selection of plants based on their genetic information, providing faster and more cost-effective plant breeding solutions.

This partnership between SMARTtray® and ONO EX marks an essential milestone in the plant breeding industry. Both companies bring their unique expertise and patented technologies to create an innovative and comprehensive solution that will increase efficiency and productivity in plant breeding. The partnership will not only lead to the development of more adaptable plant varieties. Still, it will also contribute to sustainable agriculture, making it possible to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing global environment.

About SMARTtray

SMARTtray is an innovative high-throughput technology developed by experienced plant breeders. It automates the cultivation, root tissue sampling, and DNA extraction of various plant species, enabling subsequent SMART breeding steps, including Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS). Based in Germany, the company provides worldwide support and equipment to modern plant breeding companies, helping them make their breeding processes more efficient through the use of this technology.


About ONO Exponential Farming

ONO Exponential Farming is an innovative company active in the agritech sector, focused on high-tech vertical solutions and oriented to the highest level of sustainability. Based in Italy, the company has developed a patented modular and scalable, fully automated vertical farming platform where vegetables, algae, and insects can be grown intensively. Automation is based on machine learning and AI systems.