The Elephant in the Grow Room: Unveiling the Realities of Vertical Farming

The Elephant in the Grow Room: Unveiling the Realities of Vertical Farming

Critics often emerge as passionate individuals driven by a genuine desire to see improvements in their field. One such individual, Thomas Williams, brings us a thought-provoking presentation entitled ‘The Elephant in the Growroom.’ While criticism can be irksome, Williams’ critical perspective stems from his passion for vertical farming and a

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Welcome to the AVF, Elevated Signals!

Elevated Signals is a global manufacturing execution system software created by a team and culture that accelerates sustainability, scalability, and customer success in the vertical farming industry. It is the next generation of manufacturing software for complex, sustainable, vertical farming facilities. Our platform digitally transforms factory inventory tracking, captures rich

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Introducing VertiYard UG

The future of food production, as well as the natural medicinal and cosmetic industries, lies in harnessing the power of technology. VertiYard is pioneering the future of agriculture through innovation and sustainability. They believe that the future of food production and the natural medicinal and cosmetic industries lies in harnessing

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Welcome to the AVF, Saveer Biotech ltd

We are committed to continuous improvement, staying abreast of the latest technologies and advancements. Our primary focus is to provide our customers with technology-driven validated solutions while maintaining price competitiveness to foster sustainable and seamless food production and agriculture.  Saveer Biotech ltd. is a leading 4-decade Engineering Technology company from

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Vertical Farm in Dubai, UAE Receives First-Ever Sustainable Indoor Farming Certification Jointly Administered by the Association for Vertical Farming

PRESS RELEASE By Association for Vertical Farming e.V. Munich, Germany Ekthaar Agricultural LLC in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has just earned the distinction of becoming the first-ever Vertical Farm to receive the Sustainable Indoor Farming (SIF) Certification jointly administered by the Association for Vertical Farming (AVF) and Control Union United Kingdom (UK). Bin Dasmal Group,

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The sweet strawberries of Bangkok

Varmers, Bangkok’s Vision for Future Agriculture: A Conversation with an AVF Member Introducing AVF member Geert Liezenga, the mind behind Varmers, a pioneering venture specializing in vertical farming, “Vertical Farmers”. Varmers has achieved a significant milestone by establishing their inaugural “proof of concept” farm in the heart of Bangkok, Thailand.

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introducting aabsoo

AABSOO: (in Persian) AAB = water + SOO = direction and light In the past two years, AABSOO has been active and worked with places around Tehran, Iran. The team provided the implementation and installation service with the consultation and growth monitoring for two urban plant factories in a 40

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Solving the urban agriculture puzzle

Why local food production in cities, specifically through urban agriculture, plays a crucial role in enhancing the resilience of cities.  The 7th AVF Summit is having Food + Cities as one of the core contents for 2023. Urban agriculture plays a vital role in building the resilience of cities. Promoting food

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