Meet Our Members: Kroptek – In Conversation with Salim Halabi, CEO

A warm welcome to our new member: Kasveista

Kasveista UG is a Berlin-based seed company producing seeds and seedlings specifically for Vertical Farming and releasing them with an open-source license. Introduction from Kasveista: Making its first appearance in 2019 at the AberInnovations accelerator, this brainchild of founder and CEO Rosario Iacono has already been brewing for many years.

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UAE wins AVF vanguard award

The Association for Vertical Farming (AVF) announces the Inaugural 2021 AVF Vanguard Award for Government Leadership in Harnessing Innovation for Sustainable Food Production. The prestigious annual award recognizes the extraordinary leadership of a State and/or Local Government in spearheading the development and commercialization of vertical/indoor farming and/or related innovations, including

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