Disruption in the U.S. Fast Food Sector Creates Prospects for a New (and Lucrative) Market Opening for the Vertical Farming Industry

Fast Food Disruption

Disruption in the U.S. Fast Food Sector Creates Prospects for a New (and Lucrative) Market Opening for the Vertical Farming Industry

By Joel L. Cuello, Ph.D. U.S. fast food customers’ growing expectations for healthier, ethical and more environmentally sustainable options directly correspond with the values and produce that the Vertical Farming industry provides. As the vertical farming industry in the United States grows, its market segments correspondingly diversify and widen. Aerofarms,

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CropOne Holdings Joins AVF as Main Event Sponsor at Urban Future Global Conference

Crop One Holdings Leads the World in Combining Plant Science and Data Analytics Crop One is transforming the agriculture industry, using advanced hydroponic technology and proprietary data analytics to provide pure, safe, and consistent produce year-round. This is the company behind the successful container-farming group FreshBox Farms, who grow top-quality

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AVF Announces Ÿnsect as First Sponsor at Urban Future Global Conference

We are beyond excited to announce that Ynsect will be sponsoring our event Unlock the Potential of Indoor Farming in Cities of the Future at this year’s Urban Future Global Conference. Ÿnsect (pronounced “Insect”), farms insects to make high-quality, premium natural ingredients for aquaculture and pet nutrition. As of now, Ÿnsect is composed of an

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Per Lysaa, CEO of Norway’s Intravision Group and Committed CityChanger

Per Lysaa and Intravision Group, Scandinavian leaders in CEA research Per Lysaa is CEO of Intravision Group, a photobiology and systems integration company working with new technologies for production of foods and plant-made pharmaceuticals. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, they also have offices in Toronto, Canada and Shanghai, China. In 2010,

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Urban Future Keynote Speaker

Paul Gauthier is Proving the Potential of Vertical Farming for an Urban Future

AVF announces Paul Gauthier, Associate Research Scholar, Department of Geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University, as Keynote Speaker at Urban Future Global Conference Paul Gauthier is a globally-recognised thought leader in the world of vertical farming. In 2017, he launched the Princeton Vertical Farming Project (PVFP), a hub

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